Sunday, November 7, 2004

Short Random Thoughts

The Grudge - 5/10

The narrative style does not work. It takes away most of the suspense. However, the film has several effective scares and jolts. That noise still creeps me out. (Some of you know what I'm talking about.) Not at all a rip-off of The Ring like I originally thoguht. Sarah Michelle Gellar is pretty good in a very non-SMG performance.

I Heart Huckabees - 7/10

The cast is great. Not a weak spot among them. Naomi Watts in her bonnet saying "FUCKABEES" still makes me laugh non-stop. Runs a tad long, and I prefer David O'Russell's previous work more as they didn't get as over the top as this once does.

The Incredibles - 7/10

Solid fun from start to finish. Inspired satire works better than action sequences. Great voicework from Holly Hunter and Craig T. Nelson. Its no Finding Nemo, though. Not even close. It should've been tightened up a bit more as it feels about ten minutes too long.

Ray - 8/10

Jamie Foxx so fades away into Ray Charles there wasn't a second of screen time where I thought of anything else but Charles. Kerry Washington and Regina King are great as his women. Awesome cinematography as well. Plays a bit too much like standard biopic. I'm really sick of these types of movies having every 10 minutes representing three years in someone's life. Know what I mean? Nevertheless, very moving stuff. Dazzling musical sequences and powerhouse performance make it memorable.

Shaun of the Dead - 8/10

I love zombie movies. My favorite scene is this funhouse was the "hey, if we walk like zombies, will they notice we aren't zombies?" I've always thought of that when watching these films. Simon Pegg is great in one of the best comedic performances by an actor this year. The opening sight gags are histerical!

Surviving Christmas - 3/10

Ben Affleck stars in a bad movie. Seriously, give it up. Why did I see this?

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