Monday, November 1, 2004

"Today I pulled a lever for democracy. Plus, I voted."

- Will and Grace

(Yes, I said that there would only be one political entry, but fuck you.)

Gotta love that election episode of Will and Grace. It pretty much describes how many people vote. Grace and Will both want to have their respective candidates over for small parties. Grace favors the Jewish woman candidate, Will the gay man candidate. When the opposing friends quiz each other on their candidates' positions, this is each of their responses:

Will: I don't know. I think he's a top.

Grace: She's a woman. She probably just lays there.

Funny stuff.

Anyway, happy election day. Be careful not to pull the wrong lever and switch your long distance carrier to Sprint. Just in case you're wondering, here's who I am voting for:

President - Spider-Man

Vice President - Nicole Kidman

Best Vice President in a Leading Role - Buster Bluth

U.S. Senator - Sidney Bristow

Attorney General - Bree Van De Kamp

Favorite PA Senate On-screen Duo - Tina Fey & Amy Poehler

Auditor General - Alf (I have to be careful not to add an "IE" cause that's a whole other person)

State Treasurer - Fox Mulder

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