Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Amy Adams Gets a Night at the Museum

Amy Adams is known to many because of her role in the move Enchanted. There she was like a princess. In her movie with Ben Stiller in Night at the Museum 2, she's Amelia Earhart, who we all know as the lost woman aviator. She wears a tight-fitting aviator outfit, complete with jacket and boots and it gives her a sexy appeal that only she can pull off. Of course, the real Amelia Earhart wore only loose outfits, but this is a movie and it has to show Adams's assets, so to speak.

Indeed, Amy Adams has got a lot of assets to show in Night at the Museum 2 and she's an eyeful whatever part of the museum she goes and whoever she's with - Ben Stiller, Rodin's The Thinker - or a Degas sculpture. She's definitely the most unforgettable character in Night at the Museum 2 and the pictures here show why she's also unforgettable outside of the movie.

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