Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Xiong Dai Lin Plays Wife of Ip Man

Model-turned-actress Xiong Dai Lin plays the wife of Bruce Lee's Wing Chun kung fu sifu (mentor) Ip Man (pronounced eep mun). Lin (we'll simply call her that, although she's also known as Lynn Hung) plays a complaining but loyal partner to Ip Man, played convincingly by best-actor-award winner Donnie Lee. Interestingly, Ip Man defends Lin's character only once in the movie against potential harm from Japanese soldiers, one of which tries to approach her in the pivotal scene saying, "Mmm, pretty."

Indeed, it's hard not to say "pretty" when you see Xiong Dai Lin's pictures even as a model and off the set of the Ip Man movies. In Ip Man, she is generally shown with Chinese food or caring for her character's son. She wears, classic 1930s fashion, which still looks good on her even with it's conservative style. But she's really more than that in the way she creatively poses with fashion designs that reveals more to the mind than what meets the eye.

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