Ocean's Twelve is to Ocean's Eleven what Full Frontal was to Sex, Lies and Videotape: a fun, non-serious, not really important follow-up featuring gorgeous people. Both sequels are European influenced, Twelve going after the imported caper films of the late 50's and 60's while Frontal was all about mocking the Dogma style. (I'm aware Sex is way better than Eleven, but I digress. In fact, sex is probably better with eleven. Now I've just gone overboard.) The film is fluff, but made to perfection. Everyone in it is great, particularly Matt Damon ("Anne Heche Laffoon! He's straight!" Sorry, that ep of Will and Grace was on mere seconds ago.) The film's bouncy, Euro-flavored feel makes it a worthy experience even if it doesn't match the old timey feel of the now semi-classic first. Kudos the film's scorer for that jazzy score. There were cameos aplenty, all of which I knew about with the exception of two, and one cameo I was anticipating and that was setup but was not in the final cut: Peter Fonda as Linus's father. On to that Julia Roberts part: it played out perfectly and was a lot of fun. It did slightly feel like it was in the wrong movie and might have played better in Full Frontal. The audience I saw it with seemed confused. Roberts only appears in this for about 10 minutes handing over the female duties to Catherine Zeta-Jones, as lovely as ever. Then again, does it matter? Its a boy's movie: a vanity project for its metrosexual tinged lineup. (Ugh, I hate that word.) One thing I noticed was Brad Pitt's noneating in this one, as I recalled in almost every scene of the first film he was eating something. Yeah, and the clothes the men are wearing are practically supporting characters. Sad the Academy doesn't recognize modern costume design. Anywho, the movie is fun. Go see it. Enjoy it. Drink a cocktail and play some cards and imagine for a second you are as cool as everyone on screen. Maybe you can pretend to be Julia Roberts, too.
ENDING CREDITS NOTE: The first film said "And Introducing Julia Roberts as Tess."
Be sure to watch the cast listing to see what it says this time. :-)
god, you guys, we're gonna be so late for that gay bar
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