Friday, December 10, 2004

Golden Satellie Nominations

They're like the Golden Globe noms, only infinately inferior. Actually, they threw some bones to people who will likely be forgotten all season (Daryl Hannah) so that's cool. But where the fuck is Eternal Sunshine from the major categories!?!?!?!

(They gave it 3 noms: Actor, Actress and Visual Effects.) On that thought, this is the same organization that gave Best Comedy/Musical to My Big Fat Greek Wedding over Chicago. They can not be trusted.

I would also like to add that in their TV categories, they rightfully put Gilmore Girls and Desperate Housewives where they deserve to be put: Comedy. In fact, I think the TV categories are much better than the movie ones. Congrats to 3 of the 4 Housewives, Lauren Graham, Maya Rudolph and Portia De Rossi for their noms, too.

Go here to download the full list.

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