Sunday, September 12, 2004

Short Random Thoughts: Breathless, Duel, Highwaymen, Princess Diaries 2, Vanity Fair

Breathless - 9/10

Classic from Godard. LOVE Jean Seburg in this. What a beauty! Too bad she died. I loved the scenes with them in the room, very intimate and raw. GREAT ending. Loved it and one of the most famous uses of the "jump cut" method of editing.

Duel - 8/10

Steven Spielberg's made for TV movie. Works very well, and creates a tense dynamic between the terrorized family man and the truck. Doesn't bother with any details, just about the "road rage" and nothing more.

Highwaymen - 4/10

Dismal effort from Hitcher director, starring J.C. (Jim Caviezal/Jesus Christ) Obvious influenced by The Hitcher and Duel, but very much pales in comparison to both films. The villian, played by Chicago's Colm Feore, is very out of place and

campy. A great score and solid cinematography is wasted on a film that might as well have debuted on TNT.

Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement - 4/10

Dull sequel to Disney classic. Anne Hathaway is a great comedic actress and deserves better. Ella Enchanted is only slightly better (if only for some cheekiness and Hathaway's great singing voice,) but I hope Ang Lee gives her something great to do when she plays Jake Gyllenhaal's wife in Brokeback Mountain. More tepid, feel-good bullshit from Gary Marshall.

Vanity Fair - 7/10

Starts out absolutely great, but loses steam half way through and never quite regains itself. Beautiful costumes and first rate cast can't save eventual narrative problems. Everyone in the film is terrific, not a weak link among them. Reese Witherspoon, despite being quite obviously pregnant, gives a fantastic performance. Loved the Bollywood dance number. Other big problem: film takes place over the course of 20 years, but no one ages.

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