Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Fall Is Here, Awards Buzz Kicks Into High Gear

Last week, I took down my list of the top five movies so far released this year. The beginning of September marks the arrival of fall movies, or the "quality" films. Yeah, so that first week of quality brought you Paparazzi and The Cookout and this week brings Resident Evil: Apocalypse. However, the Venice Film Festival is about to end and has already shone some light on several films that will be awarded some gold beginning in December and lasting to late February. The two most buzzed about at the moment are Finding Neverland and Kinsey, both biopics featuring outstanding actors. Variety posted its rave of Finding Neverland, and Ebert shared his love for Kinsey when he discussed the Telluride Festival. Finding Neverland, as of this writing, will most likely be next year's Best Picture winner. On the other hand, Ebert called Kinsey the best biopic since A Beautiful Mind, and the controversial topic looks pedestrian in comparison to this year's other controversial films (i.e. The Passion of the Christ and Fahrenheit 9/11.)

Buzz for my favorite category, Best Actress, has been accumulating for performances seen at the festivals: First off is Annette Benning in Being Julia, an All About Eve-esque dark comedy about a stage actress. Mike Leigh's abortion drama Vera Drake is giving actress Imelda Staunton early kudos and many are saying it is her's to lose. Finally, and my personal favorite, Birth may just help Nicole Kidman land her third Oscar nomination. The reincarnation drama is being described as Kubrick with a heart and little bit of Rosemary's Baby thrown in. So if those are three who are in, who will be the other two? Kate Winslet will be one, whether or not it is for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (most likely) or Finding Neverland (probably supporting, its Johnny's show). The other is a wild card: Uma Thurman for Kill Bill: Vol. 2? A genre film is a genre film but she's got a shot. Joan Allen in The Upside of Anger? She's having a solid year. Reese Witherspoon for Vanity Fair? Eh, probably out. Julia Roberts in Closer? Natalie will steal her thunder. Gwyneth Paltrow in Proof? Early word says it is pretty much a Lifetime TV movie. Tea Leoni in Spanglish? Normally only one comedic performance gets in, and Winslet has it locked. The one that everyone is abuzz about right now is Rachel McAdams for The Notebook. This could happen. BAFTA supposedly loved the film, and it would be a way for the older voters to award a film they loved. She's the hot young thing this year, and Paramount wants to push her along with Tina Fey's screenplay for Mean Girls. Current Best Actress Winner Prediction: One of the Brits - either Staunton or Winslet.

The first "FYC" ad was unveiled. For Your Consideration ads as you may or may not know are the ads studios design to be put in industry magazines (mainly Variety and Hollywood Reporter) to help garner attention to films they believe deserve to honored. Honors = money at the box office. The ad was for A Very Long Engagement, due in theatres in late November and co-starring Audrey Tatou and Jodie Foster. Last year, the first one was put out in mid-November. It was for Charlize Theron in Monster, and you know how that turned out.

Current Top Awards Contenders:

1. Finding Neverland

2. The Aviator

3. A Very Long Engagement

4. Closer

5. Kinsey

6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

7. Alexander

8. The Motorcycle Diaries

9. Proof

10. Spanglish

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