Monday, September 13, 2004

Cut Cursed Footage To Become.....

CURSED 2!??!?!??!?!

Yes, they're using the footage of discarded cast members - including Mandy Moore, Scott Foley and Omar Epps - to create a sequel. The ending to Cursed is being reshot now after the ending wound up on the internet moments after the film was screened in California to very positive results. Smooth move. A trailer was rumored to debut either in front of Mr. 3000 or Ladder 49, but now that's not gonna happen. It is all very confusing, and it looks like that February 25, 2005 release date is no longer solid. Meanwhile, there's a petition online (no, seriously!) demanding answers to the status of the film and its likely sequel. Go here. I assumed several hundred other people had signed it, but I was wrong. I was the very first (!!!) and you should be second! Help us find out answers so I can stop bitching about this movie, which I've been waiting for two and a half years to see.

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