Monday, October 13, 2008

Elizabeth Banks Makes a Movie about Making Porn and Shows Her Acting Assets

The name Elizabeth Banks rings a bell. She's a versatile actress who graduated from college magna cum laude. I guess that says a lot about her abilities as an actress. Intelligent and focused, she has what it takes to succeed, and it also pays to have a good body to show, as is very clear in this sexy photo of her.

Before Elizabeth Banks was known, she's been seen by many moviegoers as the pretty extra you always wonder about. Remember the sexy wife in the slimy horror flick, Slither? Yes, that's her. And do you also remember the pretty Daily Bugle secretary in Spider-Man, Betty Brant (left)? That's also Elizabeth Banks. Oh, she also played First Lady Laura Bush in Oliver Stone's W.

Now, she's starring in a movie about down-and-out roomies who make an amateur porn movie in order to pay the bills. It's called Zach and Miri Make a Porno. It's funny and a sure-pleaser for Elizabeth Banks fans. They can also catch her in The Uninvited. Hey, isn't there really a porn star using the screen name Elizabeth Banks?

Watch interviews of Elizabeth Banks on "Zach and Miri Make a Porno" and find out what the controversy is all about.

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