Monday, February 27, 2006

DVD Tuesday - Best in a long time!

Okay, so tomorrow is Tuesday the 28th. The Tuesday before the Oscars - whatever that means. And, boy, have I got some DVDs for you.

Must Owns Tomorrow:

Walk the Line

Pride and Prejudice

Controversial Classics Boxed Set - All the President's Men, Dog Day Afternoon and Network.

3 Oscar-nominated films. And two are Best Actress contenders for the year. In my mind, Keira and Reese are easily the top 2 in the category, but I still have to see the Dame on Wednesday to solidify that statement.

Yeah, the Oscar times are fun. Since Angie has apparently given up on blogging, I have to hog all the coverage. I don't even think she reads my blog anymore. In fact, the only reason I'm posting this post is to see if she read it and will comment on it. I know, she's busy. She, like all of my friends, is leaving me soon. But she should know...

I did it all for you, Dami---err..Angie

All far you.

:jumps off building and hangs self:

God, that Omen remake is probably gonna suck. I mean - Julia Stiles?!?!?!

Buy some DVDs this Tuesday.

Angie, rent Pride and Prejudice. And Junebug.

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