Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Wolverine Spins Off

Spinoff! Has there ever been a greater word in the English language? David Benioff (screenwriter of 25th Hour, Troy and the upcoming Stay starring Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor) has been hired to write the script for Wolverine's solo session (not that kind!) Hugh Jackman will reprise his character for the film which probably won't hit theatres till 2052. So does this mean Wolverine is in or out of the planned X3? As of right now, no one is sure. Bryan Singer, the director of the first two X-Men films, is currently working on Superman over at Warner Bros. The Wolverine film will follow Logan as he moves to Seattle and hosts a radio show where he helps mutant callers with their problems. He lives at home with his retired father and his neurotic mutant brother stops by often. No, that's not true.

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