Thursday, July 15, 2004

Sequel News: Land of the Dead


"George Romero is returning to familiar territory with another zombie flick, this time a follow-up to his successful OF-THE-DEAD series, LAND OF THE DEAD. The film will follow the events in NIGHT, DAWN and DAY OF THE DEAD, when zombies have all but taken over the world and the remaining humans are holed up in a walled-in city (with the wealthy living in fortified skyscrapers). Meanwhile anarchy reigns in all surrounding areas with our living dead evolving and getting faster and smarter. Romero will direct the film from his own script. Oddly, Romero had been trying for some time to get the film DIAMOND DEAD off the ground and despite the help of producers Tony and Ridley Scott, this project has leapfrogged ahead. While producers described the film as NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD meets THE ROAD WARRIORS, it does seem to have a little bit of 28 DAYS LATER mixed in there as well. The success of the DAWN OF THE DEAD remake earlier this year no doubt had a hand in getting another OF THE DEAD film greenlit. The project will have a budget between $10-20 million and will begin filming later this fall in Winnipeg and Pittsburgh."

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