Friday, July 21, 2006

Whole Lot of New Trailers!

This looks funny. And it has that kid who wanted to buy Catherine Keener's stuff in the e-bay store in The 40 Year Old Virgin.

The funniest trailer I have seen in a long time.

Children of Men
Yes, it stars my future husband. That aside, this is one of my most anticipated of the year and it looks GREAT. I have high hopes for this. Here's hoping it turns out as great as this trailer makes it out to be.

The Fountain
This also stars my back-up husband. And is directed by someone with the same name as me. Always a nice touch. I don't like Hugh bald though oddly enough. Rachel Weisz is pretty. And this is the best looking trailer I have seen in ages. Stunning.

Little Miss Sunshine
This is going to be great. All the buzz is spectacular.

The Prestige
I'm a bit ambivalent about this. Love the cast and director, but technicals aside, this trailer didn't wow me. It could be very good. Christian Bale can be third in line after Clive and Hugh. Scarjo's tits are huge.

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