Thursday, June 15, 2006

Zombies + Brad Pitt = Me in line already.

Yes, you know I love the zombies.

I also like the Brad Pitt.

So now, we get this:

(From Variety)

In a high-six-figure deal, Paramount Pictures acquired screen rights to the Max Brooks novel "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War." Brad Pitt's Plan B will produce.
Written by the author of the satire "The Zombie Survival Guide," Barry's follow-up sparked a bidding battle between Par and Pitt, with Warner Bros. and Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way on the other side of the table.

Book is a sober telling of the aftermath of a war fought against a legion of humans who were inflicted with a virus, died and were reanimated into flesh-eating zombies.

"World War Z" will be published in the fall by Crown.

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