Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bleh and Randomness

I've seen 4 movies over the past week. I do not feel like writing reviews because I hate doing that hence the random thought-ness. Even though several of these were highly anticipated films, I just feel like giving them numbers and letting that be that:

Bewitched - 5/10
Cursed: Unrated Edition - 5/10
George A Romero's Land of the Dead - 8/10
War of the Worlds - 8/10

My mom told me that her and my dad are going upstate from Tuesday to Saturday of next week. (PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!!!) While most people would look forward to this as it gives them a chance to tap a keg and have random strangers running amuck in your house, I'm just looking forward to being able to watch movies in the living room with our surround sound and not having someone come out to tell me to turn it down. I feel like watching The Last Picture Show and The Fabulous Baker Boys for some reason. I guess they just fit my mood. I also have 3 movies from Netflix which I've had for a month and should probably get cracking on those. They are, for those of you interested, Maurice, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore and Raging Bull.

I'm also attempting to put my life back together which is no small task. It means lots of small things and lots of big things. My goal is to be back in a school of some sort by the beginning of 2006. I'm thinking of being a photographer as I really don't want a typical 9-5 job and would love to travel. There's a big world out there, afterall. Speaking of...

I'm also contemplating going to the Toronto Film Festival in the beginning of September. I have a friend who I think went last year so I should drill him for information, but he's in Japan currently. (We watched Lost In Translation before he left. It's a movie that fits my pervasive melancholiness. I relate to ScarJo's character, while Bill's doesn't give me much hope.) Anywho, Brokeback Mountain is officially going there, and I'd also love to check out Shopgirl and A History of Violence. Plus, I'd get to see some celebrities. REAL. LIVE. CELEBS. I need to somehow get some price estimates and such.

I now have posters for Walk the Line and In Her Shoes. The only poster pictures online are from E-bay and I'll wait till some other site gets them before I post them here. Walk the Line's one sheet is easily the best poster of the year so far, and I'm wishing/hoping/planning/praying that the trailer will be on Fantastic Four next week.

Perhaps I will get some fireworks this weekend and some liquor. Happy 4th everyone!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Get "Bourne" Again

Here's some movie news that will surprise no one:

Tony Gilroy has been hired to adapt The Bourne Ultimatum. After Supremacy grossed about $50 million more than Identity, this was a given. No deal is set yet for Matt Damon to return. I hear Julia Stiles has already been penned in for 5 minutes of awkward screen time. No, I haven't. I lied. It doesn't really matter what the synopsis of the third book in Robert Ludlum's series was about as the previous installments disregarded the storylines for the most part and just went with the overall theme of the story. I'd expect the newest film would start in Missouri where Jason Bourne is trying to assemble his previous life as David Webb.

Anywho, Damon said he wanted Paul Greengrass to return as director, which I'd be fine with. However, given that Identity was Doug Liman's first big studio film and he went on to Mr & Mrs Smith while Greengrass did Bloody Sunday before Supremacy and is moving on to The Watchmen, why not give another indie director a chance? I'm thinking Catherine Hardwicke could inject some energy into the third installment. Howabout Dawn of the Dead's Zach Snyder? Maybe Lindsay Lohan knows how to direct.

Box Office Predictions: July 1 - 3

1. War of the Worlds - $52m / $80m / $185m
2. Batman Begins - $15m / $152m / $195m
3. Bewitched - $9.5m / $40m / $55m
4. Mr & Mrs Smith - $9.5m / $143m / $170m
5. Herbie: Fully Loaded - $7.5m / $33m / $45m
6. Rebound - $7m / $7m / $20m
7. Madagascar - $5m / $170m / $186m
8. Land of the Dead - $4.5m / $19m / $27m
9. Star Wars - $3.5m / $365m / $376m
10. The Longest Yard - $2.5m / $147.5m / $152m

tom, get your hands off me. i'm not being your beard in 10 years!

Hathaway Worships 'Devil'

Anne Hathaway has signed on to star opposite Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Hathaway plays small town girl/recent Brown University grad Andrea Sachs who gets her dream job working for a top magazine, a job that turns into a nightmare because of her bitch of a boss, Miranda Presley (Streep.) Prada is based on the book by Lauren Weisberger, while Aline Brosh McKenna is the screenwriter and David Frankel the director.

Streep is really going for the hot young female blood with this a welcome addition to her upcoming resume which also features Prime with Uma Thurman and an in-development women's prison drama with Jennifer Aniston. Hathaway, meanwhile, is proudly shedding her innocent princess image. After the family friendly turns in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries movies, the lovely young liberal can be seen in the as-yet-unscheduled drama Havoc. The long delayed film features something I know a lot of people are clamoring for: full frontal Anne Hathaway nudity. Catch her in December as Jake Gyllenhaal's beard - icy rodeo queen Lureen - in Brokeback Mountain. She'll also appear in Angelina Jolie's documentary about some social issue that I should care about deeply.

New Trailer: King Kong

Go here.

Wow, Jack Black looks really great in this.

but naomi is just nicer to look at

Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's like Halloween in June! *girlish scream*

Zombies, witches and werewolves. I'm seeing the 12:30 of George A Romero's Land of the Dead, the 2:30 of Bewitched, then later on will finally watch that disaster of a werewolf movie, Cursed. In the meantime, here's some fun trivia, jokes and whatnot concerning these classic elements of fright.

What do vegetarian zombies eat? GRAAAAAINS!
What do zombie plumbers fix? DRAAAAAINS!
How do zombie construction workers do their jobs? CRAAAAANES!
Why do zombies go to the laundromat? to get rid of STAAAAAINS!
How do zombie commuters get to work? on TRAAAAAINS!
What can only zombie celebrities have? FAAAAAME!
On what street do zombies drive their car? MAAAAAIN!

Bewitched trivia game here.

Werewolf trivia gamehere.

Real witch trivia here.

Zombie trivia game here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Box Office Predictions: June 24 - 26

1. Bewitched - $28m / $28m / $80m
2. Batman Begins - $23.5m / $122m / $185m
3. Herbie: Fully Loaded - $20m / $28m / $65m
4. Mr & Mrs Smith - $13.5m / $123m / $155m
5. Land of the Dead - $12m / $12m / $35m
6. Madagascar - $6.5m / $159m / $175m
7. Star Wars: Ep. 3 - $6m / $358.5m / $374m
8. The Longest Yard - $4.5m / $140m / $146m
9. The Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl In 3D - $3.5m / $30.5m / $36m
10. Cinderella Man - $3.5m / $50m / $58m

oh, justin! let's go look for my respectability. i think nicole richie and paris hitlon ate it then puked it back up somewhere

Monday, June 20, 2005

Countdown to Land of the Dead: Variety and Hollywood Reporter LOVE it!

The publications love the satire, writing, cinematography, editing and Asia Argento. Read on...

Hollywood Reporter says:

Bottom line: With George A. Romero taking back the reins, his "Dead" walk again to chillingly thoughtful effect.

After having to sit back and watch others remake his zombie classics -- minus any of the trademark sociopolitical subtext -- George A. Romero has returned to the land of the dead for the first time in two decades, and it's quite evident the godfather of the modern horror film still has much on his mind.

Receiving its world premiere at the CineVegas Film Festival, "Land of the Dead" is the fourth movie in what was originally a trilogy, beginning with 1968's seminal "Night of the Living Dead," the movie that has inspired a couple of generations of filmmakers.

The latest installment could well be Romero's masterpiece. Taking full advantage of state-of-the-art makeup and visual effects, he has a more vivid canvas at his disposal, not to mention two decades worth of pent-up observations about American society.

Even those walking dead have learned a thing or two in the interim.

Romero's legion of fans as well as those who like an allegory with the emphasis on the gory will likely show their appreciation by stalking the theaters in droves, giving Universal a very lively opening weekend, while enthusiastic word-of-mouth could give those zombies some legs.

Having staggered their way through "Dawn of the Dead" and "Day of the Dead," it's apparent those ever-growing masses of "walkers" have started to develop an appetite for more than just fresh flesh.

Following the grunting lead of Big Daddy (Eugene Clark), an imposing gas station attendant, the living dead have begun to sort of re-enact their once-normal lives prior to their affliction.

Meanwhile, the remaining affluent and powerful among the living have fortified themselves in an ivory tower -- a luxury complex called Fiddler's Green, which effectively looks down upon the less fortunate of the city's inhabitants who struggle to survive in the dangerous streets.

It's all the domain of the powerful Kaufman (Dennis Hopper), a slick CEO who keeps himself sequestered in the Green while hiring a group of mercenaries, led by Riley (Simon Baker) and his second-in-command, Cholo (John Leguizamo), to run retrieval missions beyond the electrified fences for luxury items.

But even as they plow their way through the armies of "stenches" in a massive armored vehicle called Dead Reckoning, there's an unstoppable unrest brewing among the dead and the living alike that's about to reach a boiling point.

Although Romero ventured outside his native Pittsburgh to shoot this one in Toronto, it's very clear, from the flag-waving vigilantes to the anti-terrorist rhetoric spewed by Hopper's big-money operator, that most criticisms are being leveled due south of the border.

But those familiar with Romero's work know that doesn't mean they're in for a Michael Moore diatribe. The horror show is still the main attraction, and "Land of the Dead" delivers the goods in harrowing, visceral heaps.

Bolstered by a talented cast that also includes Asia Argento as a tough cookie ex-hooker who joins Baker's entourage, the film never skimps on atmosphere, which at times verges on the horrifically poetic.

Adding to the uncompromising effect is Miroslaw Baszak's night-drenched cinematography, Michael Doherty's tight edit and a pulse-pounding score by Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek.

From Variety:

George A. Romero shows 'em how it's done in "Land of the Dead," resurrecting his legendary franchise with top-flight visuals, terrific genre smarts and tantalizing layers of implication. Nerve-shredding fourth installment may not fully reclaim the visceral or satirical impact of the writer-director's 1978 masterpiece "Dawn of the Dead," but it's still a satisfyingly splattery feast of guts and ideas. Though Universal isn't flogging it half as aggressively as last year's "Dawn" remake, pic should grope its way to killer B.O. with no small help from Romero cultists, whose devotion will be nothing short of zombielike.

The horror maestro has come a long way since the third film in the cycle, 1985's "Day of the Dead," and an even longer way since his seminal 1968 classic "Night of the Living Dead." This time around, Romero is playing with bigger stars and a higher (though still modest) budget of about $15 million, as well as a new shooting location (Toronto, instead of his native Pittsburgh).

That said, "Land" is a tour de force of not only independent filmmaking but independent thinking, rigorously worked out on all craft and technical levels yet enlivened by its twisted engagement with the real world.

Romero's apocalyptic vision of an earth beset by endlessly self-perpetuating flesh-eaters remains as relevant and resonant as ever, and this time he's even injected some not-so-subtle political invective into the proceedings. At one point Kaufman, a corrupt, gray-haired city official, declares, "We don't negotiate with terrorists," making this the second actioner in recent months, after "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith," to lob a grenade in the direction of the White House.

The city in question is one of humankind's last remaining holdouts, an island metropolis surrounded by water and electric fences that keep out the walking undead. Perched in a high tower that dominates the skyline, Kaufman (Dennis Hopper, his brow furrowed with self-entitlement) owns everything and everyone in the exclusive community of Fiddler's Green, advertised as the place "where life goes on," and where upper-class citizens are admitted only via waiting list. Those still outside on the streets, meanwhile, are in the early stages of revolution.

Cholo, one of several soldiers sent out on rescue missions to bring back food and supplies, sets things in motion when Kaufman refuses to let him move into Fiddler's Green. The disgruntled mercenary (a hot-headed John Leguizamo) promptly hijacks Dead Reckoning, an armored military vehicle that holds enough firepower to bomb out the city, which he threatens to do unless Kaufman meets his demands.

In response, Kaufman commissions Cholo's superior Riley (Simon Baker) to recover the stolen tank, accompanied by sharpshooter sidekick Charlie (Robert Joy) and gold-hearted hooker Slack (Asia Argento, putting a tough-talking spin on a familiar role).

Tension between Riley and Cholo, effectively fleshed out by Baker and especially Leguizamo, reps only one of the story's intriguing contrasts. Both guys want out of a nightmare situation, but where Riley hopes to start over away from civilization, social-climbing Cholo wants to retreat inside, into the ranks of the city's elite.

Romero clearly has a lot on his mind, working through issues of class, segregation, individualism and personal responsibility. As always, the scenario eerily and amusingly mirrors the times: Astute viewers will laugh at how the undead phenomenon has already become commercial fodder in the form of theme-park-style attractions and bloodsports. More chillingly, the gleaming facade of Fiddler's Green implies an entire nation struggling and failing to lead normal lives in a war zone, turning against itself in the process.

Most suggestive of all are the zombies themselves, who have become frighteningly resourceful and smart, having learned to communicate as well as use tools and weapons. Unlike the trendy, fast-moving denizens of the recent "Dawn" redux and "28 Days Later," Romero's walkers still shamble along slowly, yet with an increasingly purposeful gait that makes them seem all the more human. They also look more realistically undead than ever, thanks to pic's ace makeup team (led by Greg Nicotero) and special contact lenses that lend their eyes a bluish, otherworldly glaze.

Pic's ideas about continual evolution and advancement extend equally to the carnage, which for most auds will be "Land's" ultimate test. And Romero rises to the occasion with a mastery, discipline and gleeful sense of invention that shows just how far a slim budget can go given the right sensibility. Fans of the trademark spewing, sausage-like intestines will be quite appeased; few will be prepared for the semi-decapitated zombie (emphasis on semi) or the ugly disadvantages of having a pierced navel (you've been warned).

Romero has a way of at once honoring and updating modern horror-pic conventions, relying more here on shock cuts (with super-sharp editing by Michael Doherty) and surprise zombie ambushes than the queasy claustrophobia that pervaded "Night" and "Dawn." The upshot, happily, is a similarly blissful sense of unease.

Miroslaw Baszak's nuanced lensing, finding endless varieties in a predominantly gray palette, accentuates Arvinder Grewal's chilly production design at every turn. Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek's score is serviceably grim, with repeated patterns that evoke the restless walk of the damned.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Countdown to Bewitched: Happy B-Day Nicole Kidman!

The DK is wishing his favorite actress and favorite person on the planet he doesn't personally know a very happy 38th birthday on June 20. I hear Naomi and her have scheduled a very special day of Dawson's Creek marathon bashing Jen and Joey whenever they appear onscreen.


1. As Suzanne Stone Maretto in To Die For***
2. As Satine in Moulin Rouge!
3. As Grace Stewart in The Others
4. As Alice Harford in Eyes Wide Shut
5. As Rae Ingram in Dead Calm
6. As Virginia Woolf in The Hours
7. As Grace Margaret Mulligan in Dogville
8. As Anna in Birth
9. As Nadia in Birthday Girl
10. As Faunia Farley in The Human Stain

(I haven't seen The Portrait of a Lady, Billy Bathgate or Flirting. Tsk tsk on me.)

***Her performance as Suzanne in To Die For remains my all-time favorite performance by an actress.

Friday, June 17, 2005

New Poster: The Fog

Go here to check out the official site which has an introduction featuring an audio clip of Selma Blair vamping it up as Stevie Wayne.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Countdown to Bewitched: Early reviews say....

Take out the EWED in the title and you'll have what most critics will do when it comes to this movie. Not a surprise. Variety and The Hollywood Reporter have posted their negative reactions to the film. The Hollywood Reporter seems to like it a tad more than Variety but both weren't enchanted by the film. Pacing problems and a wasted supporting cast - considering the supp. cast is fairly large this isn't a surprise - are the two big culprits for the film's failure. However, both give it points for at least coming up with something new in terms of concept and are affectionate towards Kidman and Ferrell. I'm still thinking it will do okay at the box office: probably between $60-85m. I think audiences like Kidman in riskier mainstream fare (The Others and Moulin Rouge) then safe projects like this and last year's "bomb" The Stepford Wives. I liked that film, so while my expectations have been lowered for Bewitched, I still expect to have a good time. Oh well. I'll be seeing Bewitched after Land of the Dead next Friday. It's much more important to me that the latter is a good film due to my affinity with the previous films in the series. LOTD, however, is being greeted with favorable fan reaction. My countdown to both films will kick into high gear next week.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Random News & IN HER SHOES...............trailer

Another day, another horror movie remake. I wondered what became of Oscar nominee Kathleen Quinlan of Apollo 13. Now, she's joining the cast of the remake of Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes. Also lending their thespian skills are Aaron Sanford (Tadpole,) Ted Levine (The Silence of the Lambs,) and Vinessa Shaw (Eyes Wide Shaw.) Alexandre Aja (High Tension) is writing and directing while Craven is on board as producer. The film is from Fox Searchlight and will begin filming later this month in Morocco.

Despite JJ's involvement with Mission: Impossible 3, I still can't bring myself to have any interest in the film. The first one was decent, I watched the second during my mini film festival in 2002 and fell asleep during parts of it. This project just has a "why bother?" feel to it. There's been so much buzz and hype regarding the casting of the project that it's almost like the studio is just trying to create hype to create hype. I hope no one bites. In the meantime, Cruise and associates have passed on Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Garner and Katie Holmes in favor of.....KERI RUSSELL?!?!?!?!? I told two people this and both immediately disregarded her due to her lack of "breastage," as Lorelai Gilmore might call it. Anywho, it's not that much of a surprise given the director of M:I-3 was the creator of her TV show Felicity.

The trailers for the much anticapted Elizabethtown and King Kong will debut on War of the Worlds. I was hoping for a Memoirs of a Geisha teaser, but these will more than make up for it. In other news regarding Cameron Crowe's Elizabethtown, the film has been rated PG-13 by the MPAA.

Julianne Moore will join Clive Owen in The Children of Men for director Alfonso Cuaron. Check this synopsis out: The film is set in the near-future where mankind has lost the ability to procreate. The world is rocked by the news that the youngest person on earth -- who is 18 years old -- has died. As chaos erupts, a former radical (Owen) is engaged to be the protector of the most sought after person on the planet -- the last remaining pregnant female. The film is expected to be finished for a third quarter 2006 release. Sounds cool, huh?

Here's the trailer for Rent.

Here is the trailer for The Brothers Grimm which features Matt Damon with 1970's gay porn star hair. And Monica Belluci cleavage.

Here is a trailer from Focus Features that isn't Brokeback Mountain: The Constant Gardener. The title of this movie disturbs me. I think it's going to be about someone with OCD who can't stop gardening and there's lots of action to make him/her stop gardening. We're talking explosions and and a moped chase sequence. Can't. Stop. Gardening. Rachel Weisz shur is purdy. ------>

And, as promised, here is the trailer for In Her Shoes featuring Cammie in a bikini and Shirley looking very Oscar ready. I'm a bit pissed they left off Ridley Scott's name and didn't mention Wonder Boys along with Curtis Hanson's other films. I really liked 8 Mile, but I'm imagine in terms of tone Boys would be a much better fit with Shoes. Hehe. Get it?

First Look: Just Like Heaven

From Mean Girls director Mark Waters comes this romantic comedy about a man who falls in love with the ghost haunting his apartment. This is an easy task considering the movie stars Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon. Due September 16, it will be right out in time for Ruffy and Reesy to score some blockbuster cash before their respective Oscar bait projects Walk the Line and All the King's Men are released during the holiday season.

Random Thoughts...

I'm glad indie directors are getting mainstream films. Some view it as selling out, but I'm glad they get the chance to branch out and breathe freshness into formula. (RE: Christopher Nolan, Catherine Hardwicke, Doug Liman) Do you think Michael Bay could make something along the lines of Sideways or Lost In Translation? Dubious!

Batman Begins - 8/10
Returns is still my favorite just because of the combination of Suzy Diamond and leather. (Would anyone in The Matrix have worn the stuff had Michelle not brought S&M into the mainstream some seven years prior?) This isn't about that series though. So we start anew. Batman Begins is a solid good movie that touches greatness someway through then falters back into being very good. Repeated viewings often fix this miniscule problem for me sometimes. This new series - as it will be that considering this film sets up the next chapter - aims for a more realist approach, and most of the fantasy related elements are left behind. Christian Bale. Ah. *sigh* What perfect casting! He's easily the best. Not that I'm comparing, mind you. I wished for more of Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow, as I loved Scarecrow from the animated series. He didn't even put his full wardrobe on. The cinematography and sound design are nothing short of spectacular. Yeah, and it was a little awkward there at the end when Katie Holmes told Christian she couldn't see him anymore because he wasn't gay. Has she not met Robin? Word of the day: Spelunking.

Cinderella Man - 6/10
It's like Seabiscuit. But with a boxer. And less pretty. Ron Howard has an Oscar now so he should retire. Let his greatness shine on in Arrested Development and daughter Bryce. The problem with this movie is the exact problem that lies in the performances of Russell Crowe and Paul Giamatti: they are good but there's no soul. We have no reason to root for Jim Bradock in the film other than he's the protagonist. He faces hard times. Boohoo. So does everyone else in the film. Paddy Considine is wasted and poor Craig Bierko. Not only does Crowe bash him in interviews but he's saddled with the thankless role of the most comedically overdrawn villain. Only Renee Zellweger - viewed as the lesser of the three main attractions - shows any bit of soul.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 5/10
I didn't find this movie as hard to follow or in-jokey as everyone else who didn't like it did. There's a light sense of fun to it all, but I was apathetic to the proceedings. Sam Rockwell is really quite something and deserves better. Gags abound, but it's more slight than it is witty or clever.

Kicking and Screaming - 3/10
This movie was a wasted opportunity to explore the obsession parents having with living out their dreams in the form of their child. Had it been darker and more adult oriented, this could have been quite good. Will Ferrell is on the annoying end of "Will Ferrell funny" in this. None of this is particularly funny.

Lords of Dogtown - 8/10
I have a strong feeling that this will earn my "Most Underrated of the Year" award comes year's end. I prefer this film to Catherine Hardwicke's previous endeavor, Thirteen. I felt the direction in that film was too vertigines and chaotic that instead of heightening the downward spiral of the character, it bordered on overkill. Here, it's appropriate. The skateboarding scenes have an exhileration not felt in any film since The Bourne Supremacy's Moscow car chase. After seeing this, I have a newfound respect for skateboarders and their culture. The performances are good, with Heath Ledger - perhaps showing what's to come later this year HINT HINT - and Emile Hirsch being the standouts. Nice small performance by Rebecca De Mornay playing Charlize Theron in Monster. There is a slight awkwardness to the dialogue where one character speaks then there's an uncomfortable silence before the next line is spoken. Perhaps its to represent the disconnected nature of the character, but I counted it about four or five times and it got kind of old. Nevertheless, by the end, I had been emotionally manipulated into caring. Maybe I will go outside and skateboard awhile... *thud*

Monster-In-Law - 5/10
Jennifer Lopez has the same problem in this that Russell did in that boxing movie: his character is painted so broad and likable that you expect bunnies to start flocking around her and butterflies to land on her nose while she giggles. There were parts of this movie that were kind of funny, thanks mostly to Wanda Sykes - the very definition of scene stealer. It gets bonus points for having a gay friend (played by The Aviator's Adam Scott) that isn't an overt stereotype. Seriously, Hollywood, stop it with the meeting-the-in-laws movies. Like Kicking and Screaming, this could have been a greater dark comedy.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith - 6/10
Yeah, it was kind of weird when Jennifer Aniston showed up at the end and killed Brangelina, but whatever. The dark comedy in this is at the right spot, but it's bogged down by run-of-the-mill action sequences. Brangelina is hot. Not that I needed to put that with my thoughts because you'd know that unless you were blind. It's safe to say they'll win Best Fight at next year's MTV Movie Awards. Doug Liman keeps any traces of the constant reshoots and hellish production outside the film, though there are strange vocal cameos by the deleted scene bound Angela Bassett and David Keith. The cool as ice feel of Liman's previous films - this should've been great as a cross between Go and The Bourne Identity - is missing for the most part. However, that Brangelina is some damn fine eye candy. And there's a nice reference to The Avengers.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - 7/10
Imagine Mean Girls (minus the acid) crossed with Beaches (with less saccharin.) The film has some pretty sharp character observations and fine performances from the young actresses. Like Freaky Friday, it's a PG-rated, family approved film that doesn't talk down to it's audience and manages to come off as believable. Apparently, the ladies are crying all way through this, so bring tissues if you have a vagina. (Considering I have a penis and am an emotional robot, I was dry. Wait, that could be misconstrued.) I was distracted by something, however: the blinding radiance of Alexis Bledel. Sure, you know how pretty she is from Gilmore Girls. In this, she's simply luminous. On the other hand, I think I liked Amber Tamblyn's character the most.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Box Office Predictions: June 17-19

1. Batman Begins - $66m / $104m / $235m
2. Mr & Mrs Smith - $25m / $98m / $150m
3. Madagascar - $10m / $145m / $175m
4. Star Wars: Ep. 3 - $8m / $346m / $368m
5. The Longest Yard - $7m / $131m / $148m
6. The Perfect Man - $6m / $6m / $14m
7. Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl In 3D - $6m / $23m / $32m
8. Cinderella Man - $5.5m / $44m / $56m
9. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - $3.5m / $30m / $35m
10. The Honeymooners - $2.5m / $9.5m / $13m

umm, mr. scarecrow, people have been starting to talk. if you'd like, we can go out in public and be seen together so no one suspects anything

Thursday, June 9, 2005

This Space Reserved For the 'In Her Shoes' Trailer

Some of you venturing out this weekend to see Mr & Mrs Smith shall get a treat. No, I'm not talking about an eyeful of Brangelina. Though, there's no doubt that's a tasty treat. The In Her Shoes trailer will be on most prints of the film. Damn it. I should have figured this. I actually did. But with the hype surrounding the film and that no new trailers had premiered, I just figured Fox would hold the trailer off till Fantastic Four. Anywho, the Cameron Diaz-Toni Collette-Curtis Hanson film's trailer debuted on Entertainment Tonight and I wasn't there for it, so it should be online within the next few days. In two weeks, In Her Shoes will become my 2nd most anticipated film of 2005 after Land of the Dead and Bewitched have opened. :-)

UPDATE: Here it is.

Hottie Trio Gets 'Sunshine'

Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the upcoming Memoirs of a Geisha,) Cillian Murphy (28 Days Later, upcoming Red Eye) and Chris Evans (Cellular, upcoming Fantastic Four where he plays flamer Johnny Storm!) are in negotiations to join Sunshine for director Danny Boyle (28 Days Later.) Sunshine is about a team of astronauts sent to discover what happened to a space mission crew gone AWOL. Filming begins later this summer in the UK. The script is being written by Alex Garland (also of 28 Days Later) who just received an almost 8-figure paycheck for his Halo script. Fox Searchlight will distribute Sunshine in the US next summer.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Important Blog Post.. .PLEASE READ!

In today's uncertain world, the idea of mass global communication is brought to life by the world wide web. The internet is an important place of the present and a spotlight on the future. It is the information superhighway. We are brought together in this crazy world by this wondrous invention which in a short matter of time has altered the world in ways never before imagined. With people in motion and the rotation of Earth not slowing down, it's time to pay homage to the illustrious technology right in front of our eyes. We are allowed to chat with others who have completely different lives, appreciate our differences and celebrate our similarities. It is a global forum where we can figure out what is really important.

Here are some pictures of Rachel McAdams accepting her MTV Movie Awards. Enjoy.

slightly jealous of this one! but of who! oh, wouldn't you like to know!

She won -
Breakthrough Female Performance - Mean Girls
Best On-Screen Team - Mean Girls - with Lindsay Lohan, Lacey Chabert, and Amanda Seyfriend
Best Kiss - The Notebook - with Ryan Gosling

The MTV Movie Awards air Thursday night on MTV (gee, really?!?). Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Connelly, Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, and TomKat all put in appearances. Napoleon Dynamite won Best Movie, a nice follow-up to Lord of the Rings winning three years. I'd blame the MTV crowd, but I'm thinking it was nerds voting at 4AM again and again and again.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Box Office Predictions: June 10 - 12

1. Mr & Mrs Smith - $44m / $44m / $140m
2. Madagascar - $17.5m / $128m / $175m
3. The Longest Yard - $13.5m / $118.5m / $152m
4. Cinderella Man - $13m / $38m / $80m
5. Star Wars: Ep. 3 - $13m / $331m / $370m
6. Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl In 3D - $10m / $10m / $@6m
7. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - $7m / $24.5m / $42m
8. The Honeymooners - $6m / $6m / $14m
9. High Tension - $5m / $5m / $13m
10. Monster-In-Law - $3m / $76m / $82m

would anyone alive not see this movie after seeing this picture?

Countdown to LOTD & Bewitched: RENT THESE MOVIES!

George A. Romero's Land of the Dead:

Of course, renting the original trilogy is obligatory. 1968's Night of the Living Dead, 1979's Dawn of the Dead and 1985's Day of the Dead should be essential viewing for any horror afficionado. Both Night and Dawn have remakes available. I haven't seen the remake of Night but I hear it's not all that great. Dawn was an action packed reimagining of the original film minus the satire. It's very much worth seeing however for the directorial style of Zack Snyder. There's a planned remake of Day, no surprise. Also, be sure to check out the new generation of zombie classics with 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead.


I'd be an ass not to include Nicole Kidman's other bewitching film Practical Magic. The film was mostly scorned by critics and audiences when released in 1998, but it's a surprisingly enchanting tale of outcast sisters and their magical abilities. I prefer it to the more kooky The Witches of Eastwick. Magic may be a slight mess of the tones, but somehow it worked for me. For the hilarious Mr. Ferrell, don't miss Elf. Director Nora Ephron is most famously known for cowriting When Harry Met Sally and directing Sleepless In Seattle, but I prefer You've Got Mail. That film has grown on me and I watch it every time it's on television.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Countdown to Land of the Dead & Bewitched kicks off tomorrow...

My 2nd & 3rd most anticipated movies open June 24th. Since they are so high up on the list and there's two of them, the countdown to Land of the Dead and Bewitched officially kicks off tomorrow - three weeks before release - when Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell appear on Oprah. Be sure to check local listings to see when it will air in your area. Hopefully, Nicole will restrain herself and not start jumping on the couch announcing her love for something that's just a publicity stunt. Will Ferrell, however, can act as crazy as he wants. Such a funny guy. I might just be home for it as my sore throat seems to be getting worse. Blech.

It would be great if Oprah had some zombies on sometime soon. :-)