Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Megan Fox Deserves to Be Called Foxy

Is Megan Fox really going to be the next movie Lara Croft? Maybe. At the time of this writing, there are only rumors about her being the short-clad archaeologist. But one thing's for sure, even if we can't call her Lara just yet, we can certainly call her foxy and her name suits her pretty well, indeed.

Before, there was a photoshopped image of her as Wonder Woman, and a lot of people were made to believe that she was cast as the Amazon Princess - not for the Justice League movie, but for the Wonder Woman movie. Well, both of those movies are on hold anyway, so it doesn't really matter right now who's going to be Wonder Woman or Lara Croft. Let's just be content to know that Megan Fox is foxy and the FHM photo of her proves it.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Cute Chick in Nature Documentary Makes Leap of Faith

In the picture we one of the cast and extras in the movie Earth, which is based on the popular series Planet Earth. This one is perhaps the cutest "chick" to be featured here. But actually, it's a duckling - yes, a duckling, not a chick - although it's been labeled as one.

In the movie, Earth (due on April 22, 2009 on Earth Day), the duckling leaps off from its nest in the trunk of a tree. Perhaps it thought it can already fly, but it fails to do so and falls, as its wings are still too stubby. After plummeting from a precarious height, it amazingly softly bounces off the forest floor cushioned by dry leaves, and then nonchalantly walks away.

Somehow, this young "chick" must have instinctively known it will survive the fall and that somehow, it will be rescued from the ground by its nurturing parent. Of course, we have no idea what happens afterwards until we watch the environmental, nature documentary movie, Earth.

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