Thursday, July 31, 2008

Emma Watson of Harry Potter Now a Magical Lady

Like magic, time does fly and kids grow up. Now that the Harry Potter series is at number 6, you'd wonder if the kids who played the characters in the first one are still appropriate since they are young adults now, like Emma Watson, who plays Hermione Granger - shown backless and signing autographs here. She's now a magical, blooming lady.

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, she's even more grown up and there's no mistaking that she's a young adult already at the London Premiere of the movie. See Emma Watson as a young adult here.

Emma Watson is a girl who's out for magical action in the Harry Potter series. But she's not going to stay young for long! Get her the way you remember her with this Hermione Granger action figure!

Watch Emma Watson and her costars in this video as they "cement" their fame in Hollywood.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Korinna Moon Bloodgood Looks Good in Bikini Picture

This is Korinna Moon Bloodgood in the pictures. She is an actress who has played roles on television and movies. For sci-fi fans, she is known for her performance in the series Journeyman.

It looks like her being cast in Terminator: Salvation, means that she may be seen in more science-fiction, action movies in the future. She could follow in the footsteps of actress Tia Carerre, whom she resembles.

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Picture Bryce Dallas Howard in Terminator: Salvation Role

Yes, you've seen Bryce Howard Dallas in movies like Spider-man 3 and M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water (she's the lady in the water), but you may not have seen her before like in this picture.

With her growing popularity and fan base, she'll surely get more attention as she appears in more movies like Terminator: Salvation.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Michelle Yeoh of Babylon AD in a Sexy Pose

Michelle Yeoh is now a favorite of action and adventure when it comes to films. People who watch her latest movies don't realize that she has an alluring sexy side which she so unabashedly displays in this photo (top). Her serious, but no less sexy side is depicted in the smaller photo (left).

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Melanie Thierry: A Girl with Special Powers in Babylon AD

In Babylon AD, Melanie Thierry, plays a girl escorted by Thoorop (Vin Diesel) from Europe to New York in a futuristic world. The movie kind of reminds us of the classic Kurt Russel movie, Escape from New York.

Thierry, on the other hand, reminds us of another model who achieved fame with Bruce Willis in the cult movie, The Fifth Element, and who is now the star of a popular video game movie series.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Heath Ledger Photographed in Straw Hat

Heath Ledger, the late star of Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight as The Joker, has been talked about for the upcoming Oscar Awards. Will he be nominated and granted an Oscar? Here he is in two of his earlier promotional photographs.

Video: Heath Ledger Stars as The Joker in The Dark Knight

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jennifer Connelly When She's Not Fighting Aliens

Jennifer Connelly, costar in The Day the Earth Stood Still, usually looks like this when she's not driving invading well-meaning aliens, one of which is played by Keannu Reeves, away from Earthlings who just like to be themselves.

Doll Head Modeled After Keannu Reeves

This was on the Internet. It's supposed to be Keannu Reeves and indeed it does look like him. The artist is very talented.

The expression of the doll appears to be more suitable for the alien role of Reeves in The Day the Earth Stood Still. "Take me to your leader!" On the left is the real Reeves... as he would look after posing for the sculptor for several hours.

Kudos to the artist who sculpted the doll! Click the picture above to be taken to the site of origin.

Keannu Reeves as a morose alien in the remake of the 50s film, The Day the Earth Stood Still

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cherilyn Wilson Stars in Parasomnia

This is Cherilyn Wilson, the star of horror movie, Parasomnia. She has also appeared in Supernatural, which is likely why she was cast in a horror flick. It's predictable that she'll be seen in more in the future. Her looks remind us of Linda Blair, famous for The Exorcist.

Cherilyn Wilson Goes for More Horror

Nicole Kidman in Lingerie from Eyes Wide Shut

Here is Nicole Kidman from the movie Eyes Wide Shut. She recently gave birth to daughter Sunday Rose with husband Keith Urban.

Nicole Kidman as she was pregnant with baby Sunday Rose

Anna Walton Posing on the Red Carpet

Here is actress Anna Walton on the red carpet. She plays Princess Nuala, the creepy partner of the villain, Prince Nuada, in Hellboy 2 The Golden Army.

Anna Walton now plays the wife of Robinson Crusoe (even though the character really did not have a wife with him on the island) in the latest series adaptation of the classic tale of a man against himself and nature. Oh yes, she also stars in the cult horror flick - Vampire Diary. Quite suited for the role isn't she?

Anna Walton is a real doll, but you can't take her home with you. However, you can do that with this Princess Nuala action figure. Order it now before all hell breaks loose!

Anna Walton in deathly goth movie makeup for Hellboy 2

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Movie Cast Blog Is Up

This blog is where you will find movie cast pictures of actors and actresses in and out of makeup.