Sunday, October 30, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Ah, I love Halloween. I love turning on Oh! - or whatever that channel is - and seeing a Roseanne marathon of Halloween episodes. Roseanne did awesome Halloween episodes. I love that horror movies are on every channel. I love that there's specials on exorcisms, haunted hotels, haunted castles, "America's Most Haunted" and all that jazz. I hope everyone has a great day of devouring candy, watching a scary movie, attempting to raise the dead, getting lost in the woods, bobbing for apples, and whatever it is you like to do on my favorite holiday. Eat, drink and be scary.

A Star Is Born: A Relatively Normal Name for a Celeb Couple Child

Congratulations to Ennis Del Mar and Alma Beers....

Rather, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams (of Dawson's Creek not the other DC: Destiny's Child) welcomed Matilda Rose Ledger into the world last night. All are said to be very healthy. With "His & Her's" award nominations coming, it's a great year for the young couple.

Meanwhile, Naomi Watts threw a classic Naomi-hissyfit somewhere probably masturbating while screaming "I'M A FUCKING AMPUTEE!"

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

Most conceited post ever? Hey, it's my blog. Anywho, thanks to all my loyal blog readers...all 3 of you.

I've decided to use this post a bit differently. Instead of gloating about me for the entire thing, I'm going to use this opportunity for things I'm thankful for on this: my 22nd birthday.

-Fashion magazine covers at bookstores. Check out Rachel McAdams on Allure.

-DVD Tuesdays. It's like Christmas comes once a week.

-The posters in my room: Scream, Mean Girls, Eternal Sunshine, and Brokeback Mountain.

-Even though my TV in my room is totally fucked up (attendees at my (in)famous Oscar parties can attest to this) I still love that I have my own 27 incher. Tehe.

-My grandparents coming over to dinner tonight.

-My brother IMing me a day early and wishing me a happy b-day.

-My aunt calling from Alaska and wishing me a good day and one to my parents for their anniversary which was yesterday. What a great gift I was to them!

-Nicole Kidman and all she entails.

-Soup. In particular, New England Clam Chowder from Friendlys and Golden Brocolli Cheese from Subway.



-Someone I didn't know at this point in time last year actually got me a gift for this year.

-A friend I worked with but was away at college but happened to be in the mall today bought me a balloon.

-Having long hair for the past couple of years, but getting rid of it as well.

-Charlize Theron on Leno last night. "I'm high." "I'm going to kiss Shirley MacLaine's ass."

-My sense of humor and that I can laugh at things other people won't laugh at.

-Gas prices are going down.

-I'm up to 71 2005 movies. Top 3: A History of Violence, Crash, North Country.

-My computer and that it works properly and that I have minimal problems with it.

-That I live in the woods away from loud noises which disturb my sleep.

-Sleep, where nothing can disturb me. Except bad dreams where people wear scary bunny outfits. Why can't I have good, hot sex dreams damn it!?!

-The promise that big cities aren't too far away.



-Friends who enjoy alcohol.

-People constantly surprising me.

-My blog and Angie introducing me to "blogging." Send the hate mail to her if you have a problem.

-The Brokeback Mountain soundtrack samples at Best Buy. OMG! "The Wings" is so damn beautiful I could cry.

-That I have the weekend off to drink and watch scary movies and go away Friday.


-That my birthday is so close to Halloween.

-Fall and the color of the leaves.

-That my life isn't quite what I wanted it to be, but the promise around the corner that it can be.

Everything else I didn't mention.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Box Office Predictions:

1. Saw 2 - $22m / $22m / $50m
2. Legend of Zorro - $20m / $20m / $65m
3. Doom - $7.5m / $27m / $40m
4. Prime - $7m / $7m / $22m
5. Dreamer - $6.5m / $18m / $34m
6. Wallace and Gromit - $6m / $51.5m / $68m
7. North Country - $4.5m / $13m / $22m
8. The Fog - $4.5m / $27m / $35m
9. The Weather Man - $3.5m / $3.5m / $10m
10. Elizabethtown - $3m / $23m / $28m

i can't believe you weren't nominated for kill bill. i mean, i got a nomination last week for taking out the trash

IFP Announces Gotham Award Nominees - Go BROKEBACK!

It's apparently award season already!!!!

From the IFP Website:

Best Feature:
Brokeback Mountain
A History of Violence
Me and You and Everyone We Know

Best Documentary:
Ballet Russes
Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room
Grizzly Man
William Eggleston In the Real World

Breakthrough Director:
Miranda July - Me and You and Everyone We Know
Bennett Miller - Capote
Phil Morrison - Junebug
Andrew Wagner - The Talent Given Us
Alice Wu - Saving Face

Breakthrough Actor:
Amy Adams - Junebug
Camilla Belle - The Ballad of Jack and Rose
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Mysterious Skin
Terrence Howard - Hustle & Flow
Damian Lewish - Keane

Best Ensemble Cast:
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night and Good Luck
Nine Lives
The Squid and the Whale

Monday, October 24, 2005

October Oscar Predix

Or as I like to call them: "Eh, why not?" I'm really just randomly guessing stuff here. I still have no faith in Munich making that date. As of right now, the earliest it is screening is mid-December. Jarhead looks set to be killed, and The New World has about zero buzz. Given that the box office is in, as they love to put it, a "slump", I don't see box office mattering this year. At all.

So be it:

Best Picture:
Brokeback Mountain
The Family Stone
Good Night and Good Luck
Match Point
Memoirs of a Geisha

Best Director:
Ang Lee - Brokeback Mountain
George Clooney - Good Night and Good Luck
David Cronenberg - A History of Violence
Woody Allen - Match Point
Rob Marshall - Memoirs of a Geisha

Best Actor:
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Capote
Heath Ledger - Brokeback Mountain
Tommy Lee Jones - Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
Joaquin Phoenix - Walk the Line
David Strathairn - Good Night and Good Luck

Best Actress:
Joan Allen - The Upside of Anger
Judi Dench - Mrs. Henderson Presents
Diane Keaton - The Family Stone
Charlize Theron - North Country
Reese Witherspoon - Walk the Line

Best Supporting Actor:
Matt Dillon - Crash
Jake Gyllenhaal - Brokeback Mountain
Bob Hoskins - Mrs. Henderson Presents
Craig T. Nelson - The Family Stone
Barry Pepper - Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Best Supporting Actress:
Amy Adams - Junebug
Maria Bello - A History of Violence
Scarlett Johansson - Match Point
Frances McDormand - North Country
Michelle Williams - Brokeback Mountain

Best Original Screenplay:
The Family Stone
Good Night and Good Luck
Match Point

Best Adapted Screenplay:
Brokeback Mountain
The Constant Gardener
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (HA!)
Memoirs of a Geisha

Best Animated Feature:
Chicken Little
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Wallace and Gromit

Best Art Direction:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chronicles of Narnia
Cinderella Man
King Kong
Memoirs of a Geisha

Best Cinematography:
Brokeback Mountain
Cinderella Man
Good Night and Good Luck
Memoirs of a Geisha
The New World

Best Costume Design:
Memoirs of a Geisha
Mrs. Henderson Presents
The New World
Walk the Line
The White Countess

Best Editing:
Brokeback Mountain
Match Point (?)
Memoirs of a Geisha

Best Makeup:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chronicles of Narnia
Memoirs of a Geisha

Best Original Score:
Brokeback Mountain
Cinderella Man
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Memoirs of a Geisha
The New World

Best Original Song:
Brokeback Mountain - A Love That Will Never Grow Old
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - Remains of the Day
Chronicles of Narnia - ?
Crash - In the Deep
The Producers - ?

Best Sound Mixing:
Batman Begins
King Kong
Star Wars: Ep. 3
Walk the Line
War of the Worlds

Best Sound Editing:
Batman Begins
King Kong
Star Wars: Ep. 3

Best Visual Effects:
King Kong
Star Wars: Ep. 3
War of the Worlds







Till next month....when I actually feel confident about this stuff. :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I am a bit sad they left off Kate Mara's name from the ensemble. But oh well. This is in a magazine that SAG sends out to its members. GO FOCUS!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

'Brokeback Mountain' Soundtrack & Book Info

The soundtrack and new edition of the short story will hit stores in November.

The hardcover cover is on the right. The paperback edition is just the movie poster. There will also eventually be an audio CD available. To order any of these, go here. They'll set you back about $10 a pop. This new release is 64 pages. Annie Proulx's original short story Brokeback Mountain was about 30 pages in the book Close Range: Wyoming Stories. I'm not sure if the other 30ish pages are another short story or are a novelization of the expanded aspects that Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana contributed in their screenplay adaptation.

The soundtrack - featuring Gustavo Santaolalla's score - includes:

Opening - Gustavo Santaolalla
He Was A Friend Of Mine - Willie Nelson
Brokeback Mountain # 1 - Gustavo Santaolalla
I Will Never Let You Go - Jackie Green
A Love That Will Never Grow Old - Emmylou Harris
Snow - Gustavo Santaolalla
Devil's Right Hand - Steve Earle
No One's Gonna Love You Like Me - Mary McBride
Brokeback Mountain # 2 - Gustavo Santaolalla
King Of The Road - Teddy Thompson/Rufus Wainwright
Riding Horses - Gustavo Santaolalla
I Don't Want You To Say Goodbye - Teddy Thompson
An Angel Went Up In Flames - Gustavo Santaolalla
It's So Easy - Linda Ronstadt
Brokeback Mountain # 3 - Gustavo Santaolalla
Maker Makes - Rufus Wainwright
The Wings - Gustavo Santaolalla

Several of these are originals so Oscar voters should have a variety to choose from. The notable exception is Rufus Wainwright's Maker Makes which should be the frontrunner for Original Song. However, due to the track's placement in the film at the very end of the credits, it is not eligible. So unless the song was briefly heard earlier in the film, it looks like Rufus won't be getting an Oscar this year. The music branch of the Academy has the dumbest. fucking. rules. ever.

You can order the soundtrack here. It will be released November 1st.

Box Office Predictions: Oct. 21 - 23

1. Doom - $18m / $18m / $38m
2. North Country - $10.5m / $10.5m / $38m
3. Dreamer - $10m / $10m / $40m
4. Wallace and Gromit - $8m / $43.5m / $62m
5. Elizabethtown - $6m / $19m / $32m
6. Stay - $5.5m / $5.5m / $14m
7. The Fog - $5m / $19.5m / $28m
8. In Her Shoes - $4m / $26m / $35m
9. Flightplan - $3.5m / $76m / $84m
10. A History of Violence - $2.5m / $26m / $32m


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Box Office Predictions - Oct. 14 - 16

1. The Fog - $16m / $16m / $44m
2. Elizabethtown - $12m / $12m / $35m
3. Wallace and Gromit - $11.5m / $32m / $56m
4. Domino - $11m / $11m / $28m
5. Flightplan - $7.5m / $71.5m / $85m
6. In Her Shoes - $7m / $20.5m / $36m
7. 2 For the Money - $5m / $17m / $27m
8. Corpse Bride - $4.5m / $48.5m / $58m
9. The Gospel - $4m / $13m / $20m
10. A History of Violence - $3.5m / $22m / $30m

i'm, like, totally lost in the fog

Thursday, October 6, 2005

In Her Shoes Opens Today!

Go see it if you liked Thelma and Louise, Steel Magnolias, Beaches, Terms of Endearment or The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Or if you like Cameron Diaz, Shirley MacLaine, Toni Collette or Curtis Hanson.

It's a solidly crafted, completely mainstream, and enjoyable film that leaves you with a smile on your face and perhaps a tear in your eye. All three actresses are wonderful in their respective parts, with Collette being the standout. The Aussie actress is so appealing without ever coming across as sugary as, say, Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock. Her steely demeanor only enhances her character's believability. Curtis Hanson proves that behind the more masculine-lined previous credentionals on his resume (LA Confidential, Wonder Boys, 8 Mile) there just might be some estrogen. He makes the standard, workmanlike flow of the movie completely unnoticable and allows the characters to drive the story. While their could have been more scenes setting up Diaz and Collette as through-good-times-and-bad sisters, the last act of the movie flows along without ever feeling like "oh god, we have to go through another conclusion." Be on alert for Francine Beers, though. In a year where Jane Seymour drops the clothes to get attention in a Frat Pack comedy, Beers effortlessly charms and steals every scene. "I'll take this to my grave tomorrow."

And for the guys who are worried about having to sit though this chick flick, know that Diaz is scantily clad through the whole thing. It's also pretty damn hard not to laugh during Diaz and Collette's "My Marcia..." scene.

In Her Shoes - 7/10

Random Thoughts: A History of Violence

A History of Violence


Some people won't like this movie. Some will hate it. Just a warning.

A History of Violence is a cross between a schlocky B-movie and a slow burning character study. I get the feeling that hardcore genre film lovers will fall hopelessly in love with this. It's a movie that if you watched 10 random minutes of it, you might get the wrong impression. Some of it seems forced and awkward, some over the top, and some downright ridiculous. But we don't watch 10 random minutes, do we? No, we watch the whole thing. In the context of the film, everything works. Boy, does it work! There's not a moment wasted in the film's short, tight runtime. This is only the second Cronenberg movie I've seen - Existenz being the other. I really enjoyed that one, and I'm checking out The Fly this weekend. Scanners has been on my Queue for awhile, so maybe I'll get that this month for Halloween. A History of Violence feels very Coen-esque, but maintains a more disturbing, yet subversive, tone throughout. You can appreciate the film at surface level as much as you can disect the subtext. The score by Howard Shore adds a layer of eerieness in the way it sounds so completely ordinary. Most surprisingly, this type of film is usually a screenplay showcase. Not the case here. The screenplay is actually the weakest link, but that's not exactly unintentional. The strength of the film lies in the directing and acting. Cronenberg deftly observes the violence in regular ongoings, and when these explode, he takes it to an almost fetish level. The violence in the film is gruesome and gory, almost exploitive in a Kill Bill or Sin City way. Yet, it digs into you deeper than in those films, which look like feel good crowdpleasers in comparison. The contrasting sex scenes also resonate - watch how a 69 is handled versus how a standard missionary position plays out. I've never really been a fan of Viggo Mortensen, typically too bland for my taste. He gives one of the best performances of the year here, so normal and unassuming. The transition, not just of Viggo's Tom Stall but of everyone else, is executed perfectly. Maria Bello is equally impressive making every facial expression and body movement count. It's one of the most expressive performances by an actress since Diane Lane in Unfaithful. Ed Harris and William Hurt are great baddies, chewing with great relish into their roles. Ashton Holmes, as the son, is a terrific discovery. The movie works on all levels and multiple viewings will allow you to explore all the subtexts and symbolism. And you know you love that stuff.

I could say more, but I really don't feel like it. Just like at IMDB's boards for this film. What those people are saying is what I think, only reversed. :-)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

New Trailer: Syriana

This is the last trailer to be released out of my original Top 10 Most Anticipated Films of the Year. It ranks among the year's best. There's been some bad buzz which has mostly disappeared and the release date has officially been set for December 9th - wide. Matt Damon looks terrific and I hope gets that 2nd acting nomination he should have gotten for The Talented Mr. Ripley. What a fabulous year for George Clooney, too. The movie looks so timely it could become very hot button upon release. Marketing wise, it is a very smart move to sell it as a thriller much the way Traffic was sold. It might be deceptive, but it does work.

Trailer here.

Doesn't Matt look so cute in that picture?


Tomorrow, I'll have full thoughts on In Her Shoes and A History of Violence. I must see AHOV again, but I'll tell you a full rave is coming. :-)

Brothers Grimm - 4/10
What a great concept for a movie! What a complete waste of film! (Quote whore, aren't I?) There are bright spots: the production design is lush and breathtaking, and...uh...Matt and Heath almost kiss! (BLASPHEMY, HEATH. You're reserved for Jake this year.) Monica Belluci is wasted in a supporting role that really could have been played by any pretty brunette, while her breasts were practically a marquee name. There's some fun in it, but it could have been so much more.

Cry Wolf - 3/10
Yawn. The worst thing a scary movie can ever be is boring. It can be lame, and still be "good." It can be wretchedly acted and written, and still be "good." But it can't be boring. This one is boring. Why is everyone in this movie such a snot? This wasn't even a slasher movie, come to think of it. Red-headed sex kitten Lindy Booth has major star potential and seems to have a nice genre resume having previously starred in the much superiour Wrong Turn and Dawn of the Dead remake.

Flightplan - 5/10
Better than The Forgotten, not as good as Red Eye. First off, did the plane have to be so fucking huge? There's zero sense of claustraphobia or intensity when your plane practically has its own Starbucks. Jodie Foster is really great in this completely allowing herself to unravel and almost taking the film to another level. It certainly starts out interesting enough, and I liked the way the interiours of the megaplane were shot. The problem is what happens is so bland and pedestrian that I started to wish the aliens in The Forgotten would have been involved. Pity a wasted, yet very talented, supporting cast including Sean Bean, Peter Sarsgaard and Erika Christensen.

Just Like Heaven - 7/10
A completely enjoyable way to spend 95 minutes. Witherspoon is charming and perky, Ruffalo is sexy and laid back. Even Jon Heder didn't annoy me. Mark Waters: keep making the comedies. A last minute plot development may cause some to squirm given news events earlier in the year, but it's all fluffy and happy rom-comy. Oh, and Witherspoon sings ever so briefly, giving us a nice sneak peek at what's to come. wink wink.

Inside Deep Throat - 7/10
You know I'm really not that impressed with Lovelace's skill? Maybe I've seen too many pornos, but I genuinely agree with a point brought up in this film about why the vintage stuff was better. This is a very entertaining, explicit doc for anyone who supports "artistic freedom." I think I'd rather watch Boogie Nights, though.

Lord of War - 4/10
A lot of good points and interesting ideas completely lost in a mediocre movie. The way the film goes about handling these issues could have been handled better, and the whole movie seemed rather obvious. I couldn't have cared less about anything that was going on. I really love Andrew Niccol. I even liked Simone! Embarassing, I know.

Serenity - 8/10
Do you like sci-fi? Do you like Joss Whedon? You will like this movie. It's so much fun. I think I might actually go watch some Firefly after watching this blast of energy. It never felt generic or straight to video thanks to the genre and fanboy friendly casting (ANNA ESPINOSA!!!!) and Whedon's witty words. The boy could use a little more practice in the director's chair. Nevertheless, I laughed. I was intrigued. I was invested. I had fun. And Nathan Fillion is some wicked hot man candy.

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - 7/10
Another good time at the movies. Yes, it's dark and probably not for young kiddies, but I prefered this to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's for the young ones who would rather be raiding graveyards over playing with GI Joes and Barbies. (Again, with the quote whoring, Darren!) Elfman's score is wonderfully gloomy and that "Remains of the Day" song is catchy.

Gorgeous King Kong Image

Go here for the whole thing.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Box Office Predictions: Oct. 7 - 9

1. Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit - $18m / $18m / $74m
2. In Her Shoes - $16m / $16m / $68m
3. 2 For the Money - $10m / $10m / $27m
4. Flightplan - $8.5m / $59m / $75m
5. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - $5.5m / $41m / $54m
6. A History of Violence - $5m / $17m / $30m
7. Waiting - $4.5m / $4.5m / $11m
8. Serenity - $4m / $17m / $25m
9. Just Like Heaven - $3.5m / $43.5m / $50m
10. Into the Blue - $3m / $12m / $17m

Sunday, October 2, 2005

On a personal note....



I've been to a little over half a dozen weddings in my time and most of them were just the same ol' same ol'. Angie and Ben chose to inject personality into theirs and it made the day very special and feel like it was about them, as opposed to just another ceremony/meal/let's get drunk and dance deal. All of those were still present, however, and some orgasmic brownies as well. The feeling of the entire day extended directly from their personalities, and I think that this is the way to go when getting married. Note to future brides and grooms! I hope Angie puts some photos up on her blog sometime soon.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind table forever!

(Sorry, guys! I really didn't mean to draw a penis in your little book, but whatever. Hopefully, that's the worst thing that happened after you guys left.)